
Govt. New Rule: Govt. Can Read Your Private Chat

Govt. New Rule

Govt. New Rule:

Now Govt. Can read Your All social Messages like whatsapp, zoom, facebook etc.

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Govt. New Rule:

Right now every messaging app has end-to-end encryption so that no one can Read Messages, 

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Govt. New Rule:

But the government says that we need this permission so that we can read, For the security of the country, for the bad people who do wrong by sitting in India.

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Govt. New Rule:

The government says that either you give us this permission or you stop the service in India.

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Govt. New Rule:

Although the Indian government of Twitter even earlier. fight was going on in court

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Govt. New Rule:

This law has not been made yet, if the public wants then this rule will also come.

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Govt. New Rule:

But now anyone's chat can be read by govt.

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